When it comes to vaping dry herb and dabbing, you might be wondering, what is the optimal vape temperature?
To put it plain and simple, it really comes down to personal preference and the limitations of your vaporizer device. Your vaping temperature will change your cannabis experience by affecting things like vapor density, flavor, and high effect.
At lower temps at around 300-360°F is where you will experience the best tasting flavor and the smoothest vapors.
Effects at Different Vaping Temperatures
Whether you’re you’re going for max flavor or you want full, dense vapor clouds, you’ll want to know how different temperature settings will affects your vaping experience.
For a quick look at what to expect at different vape temperature ranges, check out this vaping cannabis temperature chart.

Vapor effects at various temperature ranges (Source: TVape)
At lower temps at around 300-360°F is where you will experience the best tasting flavor and the smoothest vapors. This would also be a great range to start experimenting with vaporizers for microdosing.
At the medium range, about 360-390°F, you will start to experience moderate flavor with more potent vapors for a stronger high effect.
At high temperatures beyond 390°F, this is where you can start to burn your cannabis, causing some smoke, harshness, and a bitter taste.
With high temperatures, you maximize vapor production, but you may also start to experience a trade off for smoothness and flavor. High temps are great if you have a high cannabis tolerance. But beyond this range, you may start to experience some discomfort if you have virgin lungs.
Another way to decide on the best cannabis vaporizer temperature is to adjust your device according to the specific boiling points of the cannabinoids and terpenes you desire from your cannabis.

For example, the boiling point of THC is 315°F (157°C) and the CBD boiling point is 356°F.
If you want the smoothest and best tasting vape experience possible, keep your vape temp at around 300-320°F – this will be just hot enough to benefit from the psychoactive effects of vaping THC.
You’ll want to play around with turning up the temps from there if you’re vaping high CBD cannabis flowers. Learn more about vape temp for vaping cbd here.
There’s several high end flower vaporizer options, like the DaVinci IQ and the AirVape Legacy PRO which both offer precise temperature control on a digital display.

Vaporizers with Precise Temperature Control
Here’s a list of some excellent vapors that allow you dial in to the precise vape temperature for your needs:
Ispire Honey daab e-rig
AUXO Calent Vape
DaVinci IQ2 Carbon Fiber Best seller
AirVape Legacy PRO Best seller
Furna Vape
AirVape Legacy
Dr. Dabber SWITCH e-rig Best seller
DaVinci IQ Dry Herb Vaporizer
PAX 3 Combo Vape
G Pen Elite II
Vape Pens with Adjustable Voltage
While not as precise as temp control to the exact degree, you may want to adjust the voltage of your vape pen. Most vape pens typically offer you a high, medium, a low varying between 3 to 4 volts.

Here’s a list of some excellent vape pens with adjustable voltage presets: