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Over here at Cannabis Vape Reviews, we review all kinds of vape products to help cannabis consumers make informed decisions. We are a small team of reviewers that personally test every product that we review. All reviews and product ratings are our personal opinions based on our own experiences.

Our goal is to discover and give exposure to great companies that make great products. contains pages which may display affiliate links and sponsored content from third-party partners.

Please note that we do not receive any compensation for the products that we review. However, reviews and banners throughout the site include affiliate links. At no cost to you, we may receive a small commission if you decide to make a purchase after clicking one of these affiliate links. Your purchases help to support our small team so that we can continue to operate this site. While it is fun to smoke weed a write about it, crafting informative reviews is very time consuming.

It’s in our best interest to recommend great products that you’ll enjoy. If you’re unsatisfied with any purchase made through our links and you decide to return a product, any commission we may have received is refunded.

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Cannabis Vape Reviews