The Supreme Clean Kit from Higher Standards includes everything you need to keep your glass rigs, vaporizers, and bongs looking and tasting crispy ...
Are you into dabbing and looking for a solid butane torch? Blazer, maker of the best dabbing torches, has teamed up with Higher Standards to ...
Are you tired of smoking out of a mini pipe when you’re on-the-go? Ditto. Glass pieces always breaking on you? Ditto. The EYCE Molds company ...
The SLX nonstick grinder is better than your average dry herb grinder. The SLX grinder is a 4-piece grinder that uses a patented ceramic coating ...
KromeDome offers killer, electronic dab rig setups at excellent prices. The KromeDome e-Nail bundle includes a recycling water pipe and an ...
We all want the most fragrant cannabis, but that fragrance can be a liability if you’re traveling outside your home. There have been too many ...
Obviously, we lean towards vaping over combustion (aka smoking). When it comes to efficient delivery of cannabinoids and getting the cleanest, ...
Cannabis culture has produced a market that traditionally revolved around hippy-dippy vibes with a taste for organic, handmade products. But ...
Want smoother, flavorful hits without the irritation? When compared to combustable methods of smoking, most people will agree vaping is easier on ...
Grind, poke, dab and toke. The Smokit is a handy, little multi-tool equipped with lots of useful smoker stash tools. Get yourself a Smokit to add ...
If you're into smoking flower or own a loose-leaf vaporizer, you'll find the Rocket Grinder to be a handy little companion. The Rocket is a tiny, ...
Vaping on the go? Pack and carry your vaporizer and smoking accessories with a RYOT protective case. RYOT offers a full line of smell-proof, ...
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