Being a cancer patient is one of the most distressing scenarios in the modern world. Even after all the medical advancements and the research work, the cure for cancer is still unknown. Cancer often leads to tireless suffering and in many cases, it leads to fatality.
There are various kinds of cancer, and these come in different stages. Some of them are treatable with surgery, chemotherapy, or alternative therapies, while others are too aggressive and sometimes they’re discovered too late to resist.
CBD for Cancer Treatment
CBD is one of the compounds extracted from cannabis. It is said to have analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-anxiety properties without any psychoactive effects.
Hemp-based CBD is widely available online and shipped around the world. Whole plant (full spectrum) CBD products are sold at dispensaries in states where medical cannabis is legal.
CBD is also available in various forms including tinctures and sublinguals for oral ingestion, edibles, topical creams, cannabis oil vapes, and more. You can shop for seeds at various online stores and can make your own CBD-based products by growing your own cannabis plants.
The major reason why CBD is becoming such an important subject of cancer research is that the current treatments for cancer come with potential health risks and significant negative side effects which CBD can evade.
Chemotherapy, in particular, poses a huge problem due to how it works. While it is extremely effective at targeting fast-growing cancer cells, it is also highly toxic. Therefore, the toxicity has a huge negative effect on everything, causing loss of hair, nausea, damaging the brain and the body.
Although chemotherapy can eliminate certain types of cancers and can extend the life of people terminally ill with cancer, patients inevitably suffer to some extent. For many patients, suffering the side effects of chemo may not outweigh the benefits.

Benefits of CBD During Cancer
CBD has potential to revolutionize the treatment of cancer.
- CBD has both pro-apoptotic and anti-proliferative effects.
- It stops cancer from growing and spreading and is also effective in killing cancerous cells.
- It also impedes cell migration, adhesion, and invasion.
- CBD protects the immune system.
- It prevents blood vessels from supplying tumors to grow.
- CBD also reduces malignant cell growth and eliminates them as well.
- It also stimulates increased appetite and eliminates toxic pharmaceutical protocols.
- It relieves muscle spasms, chronic inflammation, and pain.
Types of Cancers that CBD Can Treat
Brain cancer – Cannabinoids have anti-tumor properties. They have shown promising results in treating malignant gliomas which are tumors that originate in the brain and the spine.
Breast cancer – CBD hinders breast disease cell multiplication and intrusion and reduces the mass of the tumor.
Lung cancer – Lung cancer is another cancer that is notoriously resistant to treatment. CBD stops the growth of cancerous cells and also kills them off. CBD represses disease cell attacks and diminishes intrusive cell tumor causing lung diseases.
Prostate cancer – Research has shown that prostate cell growth reduces through cannabinoid receptors.
Neuroblastoma – Neuroblastoma is a cancer that develops from immature nerve cells found in several areas of the body. It starts in certain very early forms of nerve cells, most often found in an embryo or fetus. CBD has already shown positive indications that it could be used effectively for Neuroblastoma.
Blood cancer – Cannabinoids speed the development of restraint and apoptosis in mantle cell lymphoma. Cannabinoids also actuate apoptosis in leukemia cells.
Oral cancer – Cannabinoids inhibit cell breath and poison harmful oral tumors.
CBD for Cancer Treatment Side Effects
Cancer treatment side effects are hard to handle. The research on CBD in cancer treatment is resounding. Apart from being helpful in treating various types of cancers, CBD also helps in the treatment of the side effects caused during the cancer treatment. CBD vape oil is one of the most preferred methods to ease these side effects.
You can refer to medical marijuana doctors to obtain good quality CBD for your treatment. If you’re in California, get a medical cannabis consultation online with NuggMD.
For more CBD oil vaping options, check out the high cbd oils on Cannabis Vape Reviews.

Below are the most common side-effects of cancer treatments that CBD may help you treat:
Nausea and Digestion Issues
Chemotherapy has been known to cause nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and other digestive problems. CBD has been shown to decrease nausea and vomiting in a number of studies. CBD oil may reduce these life-altering symptoms with as little as two to three drops under the tongue daily.
Pain Management
Previously CBD was recognized for its palliative potential. It was used mainly to reduce pain and increase comfort, but not actually fight cancer itself. Correct dosage of CBD for pain would definitely be beneficial for cancer patients.
But unlike chemotherapy, CBD does not target the whole body. It specifically kills cancer cells and inhibits cancer growth, leaving the rest of the body untouched.
Radiation Therapy
Almost half of the cancer patients receive radiation during the course of their treatment plan. Radiation therapy works by aiming beams at the precise points where cancer cells are located in the body, which can cause burns across the body. CBD has shown to ease burns and dull the pain associated with radiation therapy-induced burns. CBD based lotions and salves can moisturize the burned skin and soothe skin damage.
CBD oil has shown to improve the overall mental state of cancer patients reduce the levels of anxiety. Integrating CBD oil into your diet can provide mental clarity and help increase function.
Sleep Disorder
Between stress, uncertainty and treatment side effects, your post-cancer diagnosis of sleep will likely be interrupted. CBD oil helps to regulate, maintain and enhance your body’s sleeping patterns. CBD is calming for both the body and the mind helping to ease stress and anxiety, which means less tossing, turning and interrupted sleep for you.