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Advertising & Partnerships

Interested in advertising with us?

We can provide several forms of custom ad placements and sponsored content. We can include you in banners on the website, email blasts, blog articles, and anything else you might have in mind.

For more details on pricing and placement options, contact us at: advertise[@]cannabisvapereviews.com

If you’re interested in writing for our blog instead, you can submit a guest post request here.

If you want us to review your products, make a product review request here.

Interested in an affiliate partnership?

If you have an established affiliate platform that’s capable of tracking sales, we can review your products and send you referrals.

To explore an affiliate partnership, contact us at: affiliate[@]cannabisvapereviews.com

Don’t have an affiliate program? No problem – try starting one.

What if you don’t have an affiliate program?

If you want to build an affiliate program to expand your reach and drive sales for your business, we can recommend some good affiliate platforms (aka partner management software) to use. We have tons of experience with affiliate partnerships across all of the major platforms).

Why do you need one?

Affiliate platforms are important for tracking affiliate sales and handling partnership management. Some affiliate platforms also offer you access to their private networks / marketplaces to help you discover and recruit new affiliates. This can dramatically extend your reach to further promote and grow sales for your brand and its products.

Most of our brand and retail partners use these recommended affiliate platforms:

Top 3 Affiliate Platforms (cannabis-friendly)

Impact – Partnership Management Platform Popular

World’s leading partnership management platform, transforming the way businesses manage and optimize all types of partnerships—including traditional rewards affiliates, influencers, commerce content publishers, B2B, and more.

Their powerful platform makes it easy for businesses to create, manage, and scale an ecosystem of partnerships with the brands and communities that customers trust.

Learn more about how impact.com’s technology platform and partnerships marketplace is driving revenue growth for global enterprise cannabis and vape brands such as G Pen, Davinci Vapes, Vapor (Greenlane) and more.

Refersion – Affiliate Platform + Marketplace Affordable

Drive e-commerce growth from influencer & affiliate marketing programs for Amazon Marketplace and Shopify powered DTC channels.

Refersion has a simple user interface, large marketplace for recruiting new affiliates, and is one of the more affordable affiliate platforms.

ShareAsale – Affiliate Platform + Marketplace Popular

ShareASale (SAS) is the fastest-growing affiliate marketing platform, empowering partnerships that drive results. Their standout solutions and diverse reach earned mThink’s Best CPS Network 2022.

SAS is one of the most popular affiliate platforms and marketplaces for recruiting new affiliates to promote your brand and products.

We bring exposure to awesome vapes that deserve the attention

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product reviews

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If you’re interested in having your brand/products reviewed by us, submit a product review request.

Cannabis Vape Reviews